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Founded in 1987, AuraSound specializes in the design, manufacturing and sales of superior fidelity loudspeakers and complete audio solutions. Our expertise is broad --- ranging from industry leading TV soundbars, high-quality drivers for TVs and monitors, professional speakers, to state-of-the art subwoofers and tactile transducers. We create customized audio solutions to meet the needs of our customers and have the global resources to do so at competitive prices. We specialize in the production of high SPL, bass-rich, low-distortion sound from compact transducers. AuraSound develops products based on patented and proprietary technology. Our team of engineers and designers are leaders in the fields of acoustic engineering, mechanical engineering, electronics engineering, driver and crossover design, firmware development and industrial design. We have built a legacy of providing superior fidelity solutions for a wide range of applications. Mr. Farr has over 45 years experience as a worldwide audio expert, with over 28 Platinum and Gold certified RIAA studio records to his credit and over 3.800 live audio concerts performed with artistes as diverse as Barbra Streisand, Pink Floyd, Miles Davies, Led Zeppelin and the London Symphony Orchestra. Mr. Farr brings a unique and rare knowledge of audio at the highest International level, his creative industrial design and acoustical skills are unparalleled in the industry and bring to AuraSound the ‘ultimate vision in sound’.
信息名称: AURA网站
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单位地址: 广东省广州市广州市花都区新华街镜湖大道8号
网址链接: www.aurasound.cn/
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